Has HSN Credit Card Changed from Synchrony Bank?

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Written By David

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HSN is changing how it handles credit cards. The company has joined with Synchrony, a big financial services player. This deal keeps Synchrony working with QVC and zulily, part of HSN’s retail family.

The partnership brings together two strong players. Synchrony knows a lot about money and credit. Qurate is great at selling things on TV and online. Together, they can do even more.

This article will explain what’s happening. We’ll look at why it matters. We’ll also see how it might change things for shoppers. Let’s dive in and learn more about this exciting new team-up.

The Big Change for HSN

HSN is getting a new credit card partner. Starting in August 2019, Synchrony will handle HSN’s credit cards. This is a big switch for HSN. It means better service for shoppers.

Synchrony knows a lot about credit cards. They work with many big stores. Now, they’ll use that know-how to help HSN. This could mean new ways to shop and pay for HSN fans.

The change will take some time. HSN will tell its customers what to do. They’ll get new cards and learn about new benefits. It might seem confusing at first, but it should make things better in the long run.

QVC and zulily Stay with Synchrony

QVC and zulily are sticking with Synchrony. They’ve worked together for a while now. QVC has been with Synchrony since 2005. zulily joined in 2017. This deal means they’ll keep working together.

These long relationships show that Synchrony does a good job. QVC and zulily must be happy with the service. If they weren’t, they might have switched to someone else. Instead, they chose to keep going with Synchrony.

For shoppers, this means things will stay mostly the same. They can keep using their cards like always. But they might get some new perks or features as Synchrony keeps improving its service.

Why This Deal Matters

Why This Deal Matters

This deal is a big win for Synchrony. Earlier in 2018, they lost Walmart as a partner. That was a tough blow. But now, they’ve bounced back with this new deal. It shows they’re still strong in the retail world.

For Qurate Retail Group, it’s a smart move too. They’re getting a partner who knows a lot about credit cards and shopping. Synchrony can help them offer better deals to customers. This could make more people want to shop with HSN, QVC, and zulily.

Shoppers could see some nice changes. They might get better rewards or easier ways to pay. The deal could lead to new features that make shopping more fun and convenient. It’s a win-win-win for everyone involved.

What Customers Need to Know

The switch to Synchrony will bring some changes. 

Here’s what HSN credit card users should expect:

  • New cards will arrive in early August 2019
  • Old cards will work until August 25, 2019
  • New cards can be used starting August 26, 2019
  • Online account management will change
  • Some benefits might be different

How the Transition Will Work

How the Transition Will Work

Getting Ready for the Switch

HSN will send out information to all card holders. They’ll explain what’s changing and when. It’s important to read these messages carefully. They’ll have important dates and instructions.

Using Your Old Card

Keep using your current HSN card until August 25, 2019. It will work just like always. But remember, its time is limited. After August 25, it won’t work anymore.

Getting Your New Card

Look for a new card in the mail in early August. It will come from Synchrony. Don’t throw it away! This is your new HSN credit card. You can start using it on August 26, 2019.

Making Payments

Until August 22, 2019, pay your bill like you always have. After that, you’ll need to set up a new way to pay. Synchrony will explain how to do this. They’ll have online options and other ways to pay.

Learning New Benefits

Your new card might have different perks. Synchrony and HSN will tell you about these. They might include new ways to save money or earn rewards. Take time to learn about these changes.

What This Means for Shopping

The new partnership could change how you shop. Synchrony brings new ideas to HSN. This might mean new ways to pay or save money. Let’s look at what might happen.

First, you might see new payment options. Synchrony works with many stores. They know what shoppers like. They might bring some of these ideas to HSN. This could make buying things easier or more flexible.

Second, there could be new rewards. Many credit cards give points or cash back. Synchrony might introduce something like this for HSN shoppers. This could make your purchases more valuable.

Lastly, you might see new tech features. Synchrony likes to use new technology. They might add things like mobile payments or easy online account checking. This could make managing your HSN credit card simpler.

Comparing Old and New

Here’s a quick look at how things might change:

FeatureOld HSN CardNew Synchrony HSN Card
Card NumberStays the sameNew number
RewardsCurrent systemPossibly new rewards
Payment MethodsCurrent optionsNew options with Synchrony
Online ManagementCurrent systemNew Synchrony system
Customer ServiceCurrent teamNew Synchrony team

Benefits for Qurate Retail Group

Benefits for Qurate Retail Group

This deal helps Qurate Retail Group in many ways. They own HSN, QVC, and zulily. Now, all three will work with Synchrony. This makes things simpler for Qurate. They only need to deal with one credit card company.

Synchrony brings a lot of knowledge. They know how to make credit cards work well for shoppers. This can help Qurate’s brands attract more customers. It might also make current customers happier and more loyal.

Working with one company can save money too. Qurate might get better rates or services from Synchrony. This could mean more profit or better deals for shoppers. It’s a smart business move for Qurate.

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Synchrony’s Growth Strategy

Synchrony is always looking to grow. This deal with Qurate is part of that plan. It helps Synchrony stay strong in the retail world. Let’s look at why this matters to them.

First, it replaces a big loss. Synchrony lost Walmart as a partner earlier. This new deal helps fill that gap. It shows that Synchrony can still attract big retail names. This is good for their reputation.

Second, it expands their reach. HSN, QVC, and zulily reach millions of homes. That’s a lot of potential new customers for Synchrony. More customers mean more business and more growth.

Lastly, it lets Synchrony show off their skills. They can use their best ideas with these brands. If it goes well, other retailers might want to work with Synchrony too. This could lead to even more growth in the future.

What’s Next for HSN Customers

What's Next for HSN Customers

New Card Arrival

Watch your mailbox in early August. Your new HSN Synchrony card will arrive. Don’t throw it away! This is your new way to shop with HSN.

Activating Your Card

You’ll need to activate your new card. This is easy to do. Follow the instructions that come with the card. You can usually do this online or by phone.

Learning New Features

Take time to read about your new card. It might have new benefits or ways to save money. Understanding these can help you get the most from your HSN shopping.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

Here are some tips to make the switch easier:

  • Keep your old card until August 25, 2019
  • Look for mail from HSN and Synchrony
  • Mark August 26, 2019 on your calendar
  • Be ready to set up a new online account
  • Ask questions if you’re not sure about something

Looking to the Future

This partnership opens up new possibilities. Synchrony and Qurate can do a lot together. They might come up with new ways to shop or pay. This could make things better for customers.

We might see more use of technology. Synchrony likes to use new tech in their services. This could mean easier ways to check your account or pay your bill. It might also mean new ways to shop on your phone or computer.

The partnership might lead to better deals too. Synchrony knows a lot about what shoppers like. They might help HSN, QVC, and zulily offer better sales or rewards. This could make shopping with these brands even more fun and rewarding.

Final Words

The partnership between Synchrony and Qurate Retail Group is a big deal. It changes things for HSN credit card users. It also strengthens the ties between Synchrony and QVC and zulily. This is an important move in the world of retail and finance.

For shoppers, it means some changes are coming. There will be new cards and new ways to manage accounts. But it also brings the promise of better service and maybe new perks. It’s worth paying attention to the changes and learning about the new features.

In the end, this partnership shows how retail and finance are working closer together. It’s all about making shopping easier and more rewarding for customers. As these changes roll out, it will be interesting to see how they affect the way we shop and use credit cards.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I get my new HSN credit card? 

You should receive your new card in early August 2019. Keep an eye on your mail.

Can I still use my old HSN card? 

Yes, you can use your old card until August 25, 2019. After that, switch to the new one.

Will my card number change? 

Yes, you’ll get a new card number. Make sure to update any automatic payments.

How do I activate my new card? 

Follow the instructions that come with your new card. You can usually do it online or by phone.

Will my rewards or benefits change? 

There might be some changes. HSN and Synchrony will provide information about any new benefits.

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